author Xesco

The name of:


  • 20 basic diet rules for high cholesterol. TOP-9 diets and a sample menu for one week to normalize lipid metabolism. What you can and cannot eat: allowed and forbidden foods.
    17 March 2022
  • How to take flax seeds to lose weight. Useful properties of the product and who should not use it. A list of recipes that will help you get rid of those extra pounds.
    11 December 2021
  • Diet is the most - this is the most suitable diet for a person, which will allow you to lose weight in a short time with minimal stress for the body.
    18 September 2021
  • Features of nutrition and principles of adherence to a diet for gout: allowed and prohibited foods, menus for a week, contraindications.
    4 October 2020
  • This plan must give the youth, strength and health. If the diet is chosen correctly, respecting its will be easy and enjoyable.
    1 March 2020